Zhou Lan, PhD


Zhou Lan is a faculty biostatistician at the Center for Clinical Investigation (CCI) within the Channing Division of Network Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Zhou is a research-focused individual who serves as a biostatistical teacher within the Center for Clinical Investigation. Primarily, Zhou collaborates closely with investigators in the Department of Radiology with 0.6 FTE. Zhou Lan earned his Ph.D. in Statistics from North Carolina State University and received the Paige Plagge Award. Zhou has advanced knowledge of diverse statistical techniques such as spatial statistics, Bayesian computing, and longitudinal data analysis with applications to neuroimaging and clinical/epidemiological studies. His primary research focuses on developing statistical methodologies for MRI data. He has several papers published in many journals (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, JAMIA Open, JAMA Open Network, Biometrics, Bioinformatics, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Nanomedicine, etc.). Over the next 3-5 years, Zhou will develop an investigative program in conjunction with the CCI and Radiology, including teaching trainees and other faculty about statistical methods and analyses, and will construct a robust funding portfolio for medical imaging analysis.