Vote Now: ROC Elections 2024


Voting will be open until Friday, August 16, 2024. All members of the BWH research community are eligible to cast a single vote.

The Research Oversight Committee (ROC) was established to foster transparency and accountability in the decision making process for the research enterprise and to plan new strategic initiatives. In addition to standing members from various departments, centers, and research entities, the ROC includes elected representatives from across the research community, who serve for two-year terms. The categories in this year’s elections are:

Fundamental Research – Junior Faculty
Fundamental Research – Senior Faculty
Clinical Research – Junior Faculty
Clinical Research – Senior Faculty
Population Research – Junior Faculty
Population Research – Senior Faculty
Research Administrator (2 positions)

Role & Responsibilities

Representatives will participate in discussions, promote the interests of their community within the Brigham Research Institute, and report back to their respective communities on items of interest. Representatives are expected to attend monthly meetings, held virtually on Zoom, typically on the third Thursday of each month, for a two-year term.

Fundamental Research - Junior Faculty

Fundamental Research - Senior Faculty

Clinical Research - Junior Faculty

Clinical Research - Senior Faculty

Population Research - Junior Faculty

Population Research - Senior Faculty

Research Administrator (2 positions available)

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