Clare Tempany

Clare Tempany, MD

Ferenc Jolesz MD Professor, Radiology
Vice Chair Radiology Research


Clare Tempany MB BAO BCh is the Ferenc Jolesz Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, and Vice Chair of Radiology research in Department of Radiology at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Principal investigator of the NIH funded advanced technologies for the National center for Image Guided Therapy (AT-NCIGT) and medical director of the Brigham’s Advanced Multimodality Image Guided Operating (AMIGO) Suite. An expert in prostate MRI, Tempany leads a long-standing NIH funded laboratory in Prostate cancer research encompassing MR imaging, image-guided interventions and multiple clinical trials. She and her colleagues introduced MR guided prostate biopsy and therapy in early 1990’s both now integral to prostate cancer diagnosis today.