Alexandra J. Golby, MD
Professor, Neurosurgery, Radiology
The Brigham Research Institute (BRI) is governed by the Research Oversight Committee (ROC) which is made up of the BRI Executive Committee, department chairs or their representatives, BRI Center and Program Co-Chairs, elected members and various leadership across Mass General Brigham, as well as ad hoc members.
The Committee was established to foster transparency and accountability in the decision-making process for the research enterprise and to plan new strategic initiatives; the composition of the Committee is intended to collectively reflect the diversity of the BWH research community.
We invite Brigham entities not currently represented on the ROC through another category/office to apply for membership.
Please note that all ROC members are required to attend monthly meetings, review and/or vote on topics discussed and disseminate relevant information shared at these forums to their respective communities.
If you would like to preview a meeting before applying for membership, please sign up for a guest spot at a future ROC meeting.
The Brigham Research Institute (BRI) is governed by the Research Oversight Committee (ROC). The ROC is made up of department representatives, BRI Center and Program Co-Chairs, and the BRI Executive Committee.
The ROC was established to foster transparency and accountability in the decision making process for the research enterprise and to plan new strategic initiatives. We invite Brigham entities not currently represented on the ROC through another category/office to apply for membership. Please note that all ROC members are required to attend monthly meetings, review and/or vote on topics discussed and disseminate relevant information shared at these forums to their respective communities.
If you would like to preview a meeting before applying for membership, please sign up for a guest spot at a future meeting.
Representatives will participate in discussions, promote the interests of their community within the Brigham Research Institute, and report back to their respective communities on items of interest. The representatives will gain valuable experience and exposure to the oversight and management of a large research enterprise. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the research leadership and strategic direction of the research agenda at the Brigham.
Representatives are expected to attend monthly meetings, held virtually on Zoom, typically on the third Thursday of each month.
Representatives should plan to serve one three-year term on the Research Oversight Committee, with the possibility of renewal.
If you have any other questions about the nomination process, elections or representative responsibilities, or general questions about the Research Oversight Committee, please contact the Brigham Research Institute.
Professor, Neurosurgery, Radiology
Professor, Neurology
Chair, Department of Medicine
Professor, Medicine
Chief, Division of Women’s Health
Co-Chair, Center for Women’s Health
Executive Director, Brigham Research Institute
Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
Anesthesiology Department Representative
Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine
Vice Chair of Research, Emergency Medicine, MGB
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, HMS
Associate Professor, Neurology
Vice Chair, Basic Neuroscience Research
President’s Scholar, 2019
Department of Neurology
Department Representative
Chair, Department of Neurology
Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
William Lambert Richardson Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Chair, Department of Pathology
Professor, Pathology
Department Representative, ROC
Department of Pathology
Department Representative
Chair, Department of Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics
Department Representative
Chair, Department of Psychiatry
Professor, Psychiatry
Vice Chair for Research, Psychiatry
Co-chair, Center For Women’s Health
Department of Psychiatry, Department Representative
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Chair, Department of Radiology
Deputy Chair, Department of Radiology
Department Representative
Department of Radiology, Department Representative
Chair, Department of Urology
Department of Dermatology
Thomas B. Fitzpatrick Professor, Dermatology
Chair, Department of Dermatology
Chair, Department of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Chair, Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery
President’s Scholar, 2021
Department of Nursing
Department Representative
Chair, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department Representative (Alternate)
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department Representative (2nd Alternate)
Chair, Department of Surgery
Department of Surgery
Department Representative (Alternate)
Department of Surgery
Department Representative
Professor, Medicine
Associate Director, Channing Division of Network Medicine
Ferenc Jolesz MD Professor, Radiology
Vice Chair Radiology Research
Department of Pathology
Department Representative
Associate Professor, Medicine
Lecturer on Medicine
Associate Professor, Medicine
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Co-chair, Center for Women’s Health
Professor, Psychiatry
Vice Chair for Research, Psychiatry
Co-chair, Center For Women’s Health
Professor, Medicine
Professor, Medicine
Physician-scientist, G2P Research Program
Professor, Medicine
Vice Chair of Medicine for Scientific Innovation
Thomas W. Smith Professor, Medicine
Associate Professor, Neurology
Professor, Dermatology
Professor, Medicine
Albert L. Sheffer Professor, Medicine, Field of Allergic Disease
Chief, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Professor, Surgery
Chief, Division of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
Co-Director, The Lung Center and the Lung Research Center
Chair, Department of Medicine
Professor, Medicine
Chief, Channing Division of Network Medicine
Associate Professor, Radiology
Associate Professor, Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery
Shark Tank Award Recipient (2018)
Professor, Medicine
Director, Clinical Research, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Professor, Surgery
Associate Professor, Pathology
George Fabyan Professor, Comparative Pathology
Clinical Research Senior Faculty Representative, ROC
Carol C. Nadelson, MD Distinguished Chair in Psychiatry |
Director, Well-Being and Cancer Research Program
Fundamental Science
Senior Faculty Representative
Population Science
Senior Faculty Representative
Associate Professor, Medicine, BWH
Fundamental Science
Junior Faculty Representative
Population Science
Junior Faculty Representative
Clinical Research
Junior Faculty Representative
President, Postdoc Leadership Council ’24-’25
Vice President of External Affairs, Postdoc Leadership Council ’24-’25
Vice President of Internal Affairs, Postdoc Leadership Council ’24-’25
Research Administrator Representative
Director, Radiology Research Programs
Research Administrator Representative
Professor, Medicine
Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Hypertension
Professor, Medicine
Lewis Dexter, MD, Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine, BWH
Chairman of the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarcation (TIMI) Study Group
Professor, Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Professor, Medicine
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy
Thomas W. Smith Professor, Medicine
Samuel A. Levine Professor, Medicine
William Lambert Richardson Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Thomas B. Fitzpatrick Professor, Dermatology
Chair, Department of Dermatology
Executive Director, Brigham Education Institute
Harvard Catalyst Representative
President of the Brigham and Women’s Physicians Organization
Senior Program Manager, External Communications
Manager, MGB Emerging Technologies and Solutions
Vice President, Research Management, Mass General Brigham
Chief Innovation Officer, Mass General Brigham
Faculty Director, Office for Research Careers
Associate Vice President, Development Office
Sr. Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations, Development Office
Vice President, MGB Personalized Medicine
Professor, Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Immunity and Inflammation
Vice President, MGB Innovation
Digital Innovation Hub and Chief Information Officer
Associate Chief Academic Officer, MGB
Professor, Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine
People/Career Development/Alumni Focus
Senior Vice President, Research Planning & Operations, and Innovation
Chief Development Officer
CIMIT Site Miner
Director of Pharmacy, Investigational Drug Services
Vice President, Clinical Trials Research and Administration, Mass General Brigham
Manager, Investigational Drug Service
The BRI Executive Committee is opening three guest slots at each monthly ROC meeting. If you wish to attend a ROC meeting, please sign up here (note that you may only attend one ROC meeting per calendar year as a guest). Feel free to email bwhbri@partners.org with questions.
We invite BWH entities not currently represented on the ROC through another category/office to apply for membership. Please note that all ROC members are required to attend monthly meetings, review and/or vote on topics discussed and disseminate relevant information shared at these forums to their respective communities. If you would like to preview a meeting before applying for membership, please see above to sign up for a guest spot at a future ROC meeting.
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