Marc Sabatine, MD, MPH

Professor, Medicine
Lewis Dexter, MD, Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine, BWH
Chairman of the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarcation (TIMI) Study Group


Highlights from the BRI Director 2018-2020

During Fiscal Year 2019, the Brigham Research Institute provided support to activities defined through a BRI-wide strategic assessment and planning process the previous year. Research Roundtables, thematic discussions focused on areas aligned with programs/centers to define priorities in those areas and foster innovation and collaboration.

The BRI distributed $3.22 Million in internal awards in FY2019. These awards ranged from $500 poster awards to the $500,000 BRI Director’s Transformative Award. The BRI implemented the solicitation and selection process for the newly launched President’s Scholar Awards, intended to support and recognize Assistant or Associate Professors at the Brigham who have made outstanding contributions to their chosen field of research and who have demonstrated exceptional potential.

We continued hosting bi-annual research faculty and trainee lunches and in 2019, hosting two lunches for each group:

  • Postdocs and Trainees
  • Instructors
  • Assistant Professors
  • Associate Professors
  • Professors

Our Scientific Advisory Board added a new member, now comprised of nine highly accomplished scientific and industry leaders who provide guidance to enrich our strategies to promote biomedical advances at the Brigham. The Board meets annually.

The BRI launched a new monthly newsletter, Science Spotlight, to celebrate Brigham faculty publications in high impact journals and keep the research community informed about the work of their peers.

Brigham researchers published more than 9,400 publications in 2019 (ranking second among healthcare institutions in the world in terms of total article count, according to Nature Index), with close to 500 of these in top-rated journals.

Brigham research revenue was $698 Million in FY2019, representing nearly a quarter of the hospital’s revenue.