Caroline Popper, MD, PhD


My deep personal interest and is in the development and commercialization of new life science and medical technology. In particular, I focus on technology innovation to address inefficiencies in health care.

I have more than 25 years of hands-on business operating experience within health care companies. I did not set out to be a businessperson. Rather, I became a physician (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) and an internist and pathologist (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore). Most impactful, was my training in Health Policy and Health Economics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

I have managed a wide spectrum of diagnostics, device and drug discovery businesses in both Fortune 500 and start-up settings, at amongst others, Becton Dickinson, bioMerieux, and MDS. Currently, at the JHU Applied Physics Lab I help advance technology originally developed for non-health applications (eg cyber, data science, sensor tools) with healthcare partners. At Popper and Co, I help clients interpret relevant market forces, develop strategies and create partnerships within the global changing health care landscape.