2023 Research Excellence Award Winners


The Brigham Research Institute (BRI) would like to congratulate this year’s Research Excellence Award winners!

  • Elias Bou Farhat, MD
  • *Delphine Franssen, PhD
  • Hia Ghosh, BS
  • Hong-Gyun Lee, PhD
  • Manuel Mekkattu, BSc
  • Adam Nelson, PhD
  • Maria-Tzousi Papavergi, MS
  • Ritika Rastogi, PhD
  • Trevor Tamura, BA

*Connors-BRI Research Excellence Award

The BRI Research Excellence Awards, which promote the research of promising BWH junior investigators and trainees, were established in 2007 with support from a philanthropic gift from the Partners Research Accelerator Program. Originally awarded through a biannual poster competition, since 2012 the awards have been given out at Research Day/Discover Brigham held annually in the fall and are supported by the Brigham Research Institute. Recipients of the Research Excellence Awards receive a $1,000 grant to use for scientific conference travel or for research expenses; awards have been made through this mechanism to this date.

You can find the list of all our previous winners here: https://www.discoverbrigham.org/awards-funding/research-excellence-awards/.

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