Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Lunch Roundtable: Innovative Approaches to Health Equity Research

Thorn 13 Conference Room MA

An event to advance the Brigham’s commitment to health equity, quality and justice in patient care, research, education, and our community. All employees, faculty, trainees and students at the Brigham are invited to join national and global leaders to discuss our shared commitment to pursuing equity. The day will feature interactive lunch roundtables, a keynote […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

Research Roundtables: Dialogues & Discussions (R2D2)

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

Zoom link will be emailed after registration. The Lung Research Center welcomes all BWH clinicians, researchers and staff to participate in the upcoming Research Roundtable. Given the current pandemic, this virtual event will focus on COVID-19 to bring together the community to share ideas, address unmet needs, identify new opportunities and brainstorm ways to best […]

What Does Transgender and Gender Diverse Inclusivity Look Like in Research?

Zoom (click website to register/receive link)

In celebration of Pride month, the Brigham Research Institute (BRI) and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) are hosting an hour-long panel discussion on transgender and gender diverse inclusivity in research. Researchers in all fields are encouraged to attend and hear from our expert panel, moderated by Dr. Kathryn Rexrode and featuring Dr. Sari […]