Faculty Career Development Awards

Deadline: February 24, 2025 11:59 pm

Amount: $30,000

IDC Rate: 20%



The purpose of the award is to provide transitional funding to enhance productivity and growth during early critical years of an academic career when young faculty must teach, do research, compete for grants, publish, and practice (if clinicians) at the same time they may be assuming increased family or other responsibilities – BWH seeks to use these awards to increase the diversity of the faculty. The awards are open to all junior faculty with priority given to faculty who have family responsibilities such as being the primary caregiver for the children and/or parents, faculty who belong to a racial/ethnic population underrepresented in medicine and science (URM) or women faculty.

The BWH Faculty Career Development Awards are included among the Eleanor and Miles Shore Faculty Development Awards Program (Shore Program) and will be recognized at the annual celebration in the Fall, as well as the BWH New Faculty Lunch and BWH Research Appreciation Celebration.

Our application process is separate from the other Shore Program Awards, and we encourage applicants to also submit applications to those awards found here, including the HMS/HSDM-wide award and several other BWH awards specific to departments such as DOM, OB/GYN, Pathology, and Radiology.

Applicants are also encouraged to apply to the BWH Center for Diversity and Inclusion’s Minority Faculty Career Development Awards (MFCDA) if applicable, though please note a single applicant will not receive both awards in the same year.

The Eleanor and Miles Shore Faculty Development Awards Program (Shore Program) strives to support the Faculty of Medicine at the level of instructor and assistant professor by administering a range of award opportunities to support academic activities. Award funds are provided by HMS, HSDM, affiliated institutions, departments, divisions, centers, and/or private donors. The awards may be used for protected time from clinical, teaching or other responsibilities to pursue academic work, including research, or developing a new clinical or teaching program. Funds awarded can be used for additional laboratory assistance at a time when independent funding is not attainable. The award is not intended to provide total support. In January, instructors and assistant professors are invited to apply for awards. In the fall, the selection process culminates in a reception, sponsored by the Shore Program, to honor recipients in the presence of deans, families, friends, mentors, and peers.


Applications are due each year in January/early February and are reviewed in the spring. Applicants will be notified in early May. Funds for the recipients will be available starting June 1. Recognition ceremonies in the fall.

As of 2023, the FCDA is no longer term-limited and funds will not expire; previously, these awards were granted for a period of 1 year only.


The awards are open to all junior faculty with priority given to faculty who have family responsibilities such as being the primary caregiver for the children and/or parents, faculty who belong to a racial/ethnic population underrepresented in medicine and science (URM) or women faculty.

Review Criteria



  • Strong Letter of Support from Department or Division Chief
  • Additional Letter of Support if present
  • Strong letters document the need of the applicant, provide information about protected time and the need for salary support, and identify the impact of the award and potential for advancement.

Applicant’s Track Record

  • History of academic accomplishment
  • Academic activities in line with promotion criteria at HMS
  • Excellent clinical or scientific training
  • Evidence of productivity – consider authorship, topic and journal

Impact of Award on Career

  • Award will enable applicant to secure funding, scholarship and/or academic promotion
  • Other – Reviewer’s Discretion




  • Consider identified gender, racial, ethnic, nationality and LGBT status.

Dependent Children and Other Family Dependents

  • Consider the number of dependents, any special needs, child care situation, family support network.

Other Circumstances

  • Personal health, financial, geographical, etc

A compelling case must be made for applicants who have received BWH, HMS, or PHS funding greater than $50,000 within 12 months of the date of the application.


FCDA recipients will be honored at the BWH Research Appreciation Celebration in June and at the ceremony for the Shore Program in the fall.

Submission Requirements

FCDA applications must be submitted electronically here.

Required Documents:

  • HMS-formatted CV
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation (1 required, 2 allowed)
  • Proposed $30,000 Budget

HMS-formatted CV: Learn more on the HMS website here.

Letter(s) of Recommendation: Request this letter from your department or division head and upload it to your application. A second letter may be submitted as well from an additional mentor. Letters should:

  • Document the need of the applicant.
  • Identify the impact of the Award on the applicant’s career and potential for advancement (e.g. if an Instructor, potential for promotion to Assistant Professor at BWH).
  • Provide information about the percentage of protected time and justification for salary support required.

Proposed $30,000 Budget: Additional 20% overhead will be covered by the grant. $30,000 to include fringe benefits if used for salary support.