Testimonials and Media Coverage

  • Article about the MCP written by former co-directors Chantal Kuhn and Zafira Castaño published in Nature Biotechnology, July 2016
  • Inaugural recipients of Harvard Medical School’s Program Award for Culture of Excellence in Mentoring (2016)
  • Testimonial from a Mentor-Mentee Pair of the MCP 2013-2014 published in BWH Clinical and Research News

“The MCP is the most gratifying experience I have had in my career. Getting the perspective of leadership in an informal setting was extremely valuable to improve my knowledge, communication skills, and challenge myself”. – MCP 2013-14 Mentor

“I’d like to become a mentor –I think this program really makes a difference. I learned how to organize my time, to improve my networking skills and to make effective presentations”. – MCP 2013-14 Mentee

“The MCP program was a true milestone in my postdoctoral phase. I believe I gained more during this year than all my postdoc years combined. Apart from attaining leadership, mentoring, and organizing skills you are able to give back and become a member a positive community. Being part of this peer-2-peer support program is a truly transformative experience”. – MCP 2017-2018 Mentor

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