PLC Communications Committee

The Communications committee’s mission is to communicate opportunities, events, and ideas with the BWH postdoc community.

Some of our activities include:

  • Maintaining the BWH PDA social media sites.
  • Generating a biannual BWH PDA newsletter covering news items and features of interest to the postdoc community.
  • Recruiting writers and solicit topics of interest for the BWH PDA newsletter.
  • Creating new BWH PLC promotional materials.
  • Consulting with other committees to promote coordination for website and social media content.

Recent Activities

Front page of the 2022 Spring/Summer issue of The BWH Post(Doc)

The BWH Post (Doc): Fall/Winter 2023

Below are some of our most recent articles. Please click through and explore the work of our Communications Committee! Boston and Beyond Strategies for Faculty

The BWH Post(Doc)

The BWH PDA Communications committee puts out a biannual newsletter covering news items of interest to the postdoc community. Check out our current and previous

Front page of the 2022 Spring/Summer issue of The BWH Post(Doc)

The BWH Post(Doc): Spring/Summer 2022

Interested in joining the editorial team or becoming a contributor? Have a question, comment, or idea about an article? Let us know! Please contact Shang-Chuen Wu, the Chair of the Communications Committee.