Postdoc Leadership Council Elections: Nominations Open Now


Due Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 11PM

It’s time for the Postdoc Leadership Council (PLC)’s annual elections! This is a great way for everyone in our community of BWH postdocs to get more involved and shape the future of the PLC, even if you are not already a member. You can learn more about the structure of the PLC and how these positions work together in our new bylaws which were ratified in November, or read on for some more details.

How do I nominate myself for a position?

To nominate yourself, please email stating your name, department, and which role you are seeking, and attach a one-page (500 word) max nomination statement answering the 3 questions in the below nomination template. by 11PM Tuesday, July 25, 2023.

For the Elected Officer positions, which will be voted on by the entire postdoc community, please also include a headshot for circulation during the voting period.

Details on the roles and responsibilities of each position are laid out in the BWH PDA Bylaws.

Please reach out to with any questions about the roles, the process, or the PDA as a whole.

What positions are open for nominations?

All Elected Officers and Standing Committee Chairs are up for reelection. The distinction between these two groups is that all postdocs at BWH can vote for the Elected Officers, while only current PLC members vote for the Committee Chairs.

Details on the roles and responsibilities of each position are laid out in the BWH PDA Bylaws.

Elected Officers

  • President
  • 2 Vice Presidents
    • External Affairs
    • Internal Affairs
  • Registrar
  • Treasurer

Standing Committee (Co-)Chairs

  • Advocacy
  • Career Development
  • Communications
  • Networking

All of these positions are one-year terms that must be elected every year. Committees can have 1 or 2 co-chairs.

Who is eligible to nominate themselves for a position? Is PLC experience required?

The core three executive positions – President and both Vice Presidents – are required to have been part of the PLC, in any capacity, for a minimum of 6 months prior to nomination.

All other positions are open to any current BWH PDA Affiliate (i.e. a current BWH Postdoctoral Research Fellow or equivalent). This means anyone can nominate themselves for Registrar or Treasurer, or to become a co-chair of a standing committee, even if they have little or no experience with the PLC thus far.

What is the timeline for elections?

Nominations will be open for 2 weeks, from Tuesday, July 11 through Tuesday, July 25.

Voting will commence the following week, Tuesday August 1, and close on Tuesday, August 15.

Nomination Templates

To nominate yourself, please email stating your name, department, and which role you are seeking, and attach a one-page (500 word) max nomination statement answering the 3 questions in the below templates by 11PM Tuesday, July 25, 2023.

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