PLC Voting Opens: Registrar & Treasurer


Due Monday, January 23, 2023, 5PM

We have one nominee each for the new Registrar and Treasurer positions! Thank you to Alexandra Eicher (Registrar) and Evgenii Kim (Treasurer) for your interest in serving on the PLC Executive Board.

Read Alex’s Nomination Statement for Registrar here.

Read Evgenii’s Nomination Statement for Treasurer here.

Because the positions are not contested, the election will proceed as a confirmation vote. Each current BWH postdoc is entitled to submit one ballot, voting either “Yes” or “No” for the candidate nominated for each position (or abstaining). A simple majority of votes cast in favor will confirm a candidate in their position.

If a candidate is not confirmed, the BRI Representative (Rowan Potter) will continue to fulfill the responsibilities of the role as outlined in the bylaws until the next PLC General Election in July/August, when all PLC positions will open for nominations.

Cast your vote at this link by Monday, January 23 at 5pm!

During the last Quarterly Meeting on November 29, BWH PLC members voted to ratify an overhaul of our bylaws. The new bylaws introduce two new elected positions to the PLC Executive Board: the Registrar and the Treasurer. You can read the descriptions and responsibilities of these positions below or on page 4 of the bylaws here.


“The Registrar shall record the minutes of all meetings of the BWH PLC Executive Board, oversee the maintenance of membership lists, provide for the safe keeping of all official documents and records of the organization, and publish notices of scheduled meetings as required in these Bylaws. The Registrar shall be responsible for initiating the Biennial Review of these Bylaws (Article 6.3). If the role of the Registrar remains vacant, the BRI Representative (Article shall assume the responsibilities of this role.”


“The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining an accurate accounting of the annual BWH PLC budget, as approved by the BRI. They shall maintain accurate records of BWH PLC expenditures and shall present written financial reports at the BWH PLC Quarterly Meetings (Article 3.6.3). If the role of the Treasurer remains vacant, the BRI Representative (Article shall assume the responsibilities of this role.”

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