Mentoring Resources


There are many mentoring opportunities across BWH, MGB, and HMS. If you are interested in taking on additional responsibilities in mentoring, we encourage you to check out the resources and opportunities below.

We also suggest letting your mentor know you are interested in pursuing mentoring as they may know of more specific opportunities related to your field of research.

word cloud representing the BWH Mentoring Circles Program for postdocs

Mentoring Circles Program (MCP)

MCP is a program created by postdocs, for postdocs, to help fellows get the most out of their training at BWH. Two mentors (senior postdocs) meet 5-7 mentees (junior postdocs) on a monthly basis to give advice and advance their career.

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CURE Mentoring Program

The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences Program (CURE), administered by the DF/HCC Initiative to Eliminate Cancer Disparities, allows postdocs to mentor a high school or

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BWH Mentoring Toolkit

The Brigham and Women’s Hospital Mentoring Curriculum & Toolkit was developed to help mentors and mentees in academic medical settings navigate the challenges of mentoring

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